sSy introduced the first private, on-premises AI model STOTi - tailored to your needs!
sSy introduced the first private, on-premises AI model STOTi - tailored to your needs!
sSy introduced the first private, on-premises AI model STOTi - tailored to your needs!
sSy introduced the first private, on-premises AI model STOTi - tailored to your needs!
sSy introduced the first private, on-premises AI model STOTi - tailored to your needs!
Partnering with SmartR, who provided us exclusivity to introduce SCOTi to the world of MHI.
SCOTi is a private, on-premises AI model tailored to your needs, which includes
pre-developed AI toolsuites to accelerate deployment and save costs.
Currently leveraging the LLM/SLM Generative AI Engine SCOTi
for advanced Warehouse Analytics - introducing, far advanced Tech to MHI.
Further developments within sSy.AI include a breakthrough in posing detection via skeleton analytics.
Another breakthrough at sSy.AI: Re-ID enables object/human recognition through skeleton analysis.
Welcoming Rhino Power Tools as our newest client, a leader in American-made post drivers for over 45 years, offering innovative solutions and exceptional service.
BREAK TROUGH in the development of our patent (PCT WO/2022/238933), for the first time we calibrated a camera with artificial intelligence (AI). Additionally we create sSy ID_Guard - an advanced CV/Image Filter - to exclusively extract metrical data and protect personal information.
We proudly announce our collaboration with Oleksandr from Latrock. He takes care of the Frontend and EdgeAI commissioning EU.
We are delighted to work with TLC, and create our vision together - this time - a vision on the brand & marketing side. Thanks for creating Cameron, our logo!
Our first Field Pilot Project with Myers Power Products Inc. With Spaghetti and Heat Maps we helped to improve the operations significantly. ROI 3.5 months.